Choosing A Web Host

Web hosts provide space on the world wide web for websites so they can be seen on the internet. Without a web host no one would see your website. There are a ton of web hosts offering various plans at various prices, some even offer free hosting. The three web hosts listed here have been used by me for my various websites.


This is a domain registrar that now also offers web hosting with several different plans starting at a very affordable price. HTML Made Easy as well as my official art site have been hosted there. (Didn't know this tutorial was written by an artist, did ya?) FREE Web Hosting

There's no catch and there are no ads placed on your website. This web host offers both free and paid hosting. The free plan gives 5 gigs of traffic per month which is more than enough for most websites. You need to have your own domain address to be able to use this free web host.

Weebly Web Hosting

Build and publish your website online without any knowledge of HTML or CSS. No webpages to upload, everything is done in your browser. Both free and paid plans offered with beautiful web templates for a professional looking website. Free plans give a subdomain such as and have options that other hosts only offer with paid plans such as contact forms.


If you purchase web hosting along with domain registration, your domain is already set to work with your website. But if you purchase your domain registration separately at a domain registrar you will need to point the domain to your webhost. Purchasing a domain separately makes it easier and costs less to move your site should you decide to go to another web host. Relax, it's easy to configure the domain to the webhost as the connecting domain tutorial will show.

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