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Lesson 2: Block Tags

What Are Block Tags?

Block tags force everything that is outside of them to be on a separate line. One such tag is the heading tag:



<h1>Learning HTML

The number 1 beside the letter h makes the largest heading. Numbers, 2, 3 and 4 will make smaller headings. All of them make bold text. Let's see how our HTML code is shaping up:

<!DOCTYPE html>


<title>My First Webpage</title>

<h1>Learning HTML</h1> Look Ma, I'm making a webpage!


This is what it should look like on the webpage:

block tags

Notice that the text outside the h1 tag is on a separate line. This is what block tags do, they force the stuff they don't enclose to be on a separate line.

Making Paragraphs

Another block tag is the paragraph tag:


Any text put between the opening and closing p tags makes one paragraph. To start a new line within a paragraph add the br tag:

<p>Look Ma,<br>I'm making a webpage!</p>

The br tag is one of the few HTML tags which does not have a corresponding closing tag. The result would look like this:

Look Ma,
I'm making a webpage!

Give it a try and then head on over to lesson 3.

You can register a website address (called a domain in tech talk) even before you have a website. In fact the longer you wait the more difficult it will be to get one that isn't already taken. More Info

There is more to building a website than just making it. It also needs web hosting so that it can be seen on the internet. More Info


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